With so much corporate greed these days, it’s refreshing to discover Twill, a new company, whose entire philosophy is about giving back. Twill founder, Zachary Halloran, found inspiration for his business from the struggles his family endured while he was a boy. Having experienced love, support, and help from other families when he and his siblings needed it the most, he too wanted to return that gesture to other people in need. For every Twill product sold, another is given to a local friend in need. This concept of giving back was so inspiring to me that when I received my product, I decided to donate my Twill blanket to the Rett Syndrome charity auction event on October 20th in Los Angeles at the SLS Hotel to help raise money and awareness for kids suffering from Rett Syndrom. Rett syndrome is a unique postnatal neurological disorder that is first recognized in infancy and seen almost always in girls, and October is Rett Syndrome Awareness Month, (To learn more about this charity event and on-line auctions, please visit http://501auctions.com/reverserettla, and to learn more about Rett Syndrome and how you can donate, please visit http://www.rettsyndrome.org/).

Within the first year, Twill donated over 2,000 blankets to kids in need. This is pretty impressive for a new company and speaks volumes about the kind of products they make. I’m obsessed with snuggly items- the kind of products that feel soft against your skin, and Twill blankets do not disappoint. Their infant and throw blankets are made of 100% GOTS organic cotton and made in the USA. The neutral cream color blankets are perfect for any little one, and their larger throw blanket is an excellent addition to your couch. Twill products make great gifts! Not only will you be giving a gift to someone you know, but their “buy one, give one” philosophy means you’ll be gifting one to a child in need. Now that’s a win-win if you ask me! So go get your Twill blanket today!