KidloLand app KidloLand App With an unbelievable amount of children’s apps out there, it is hard to know which ones are good. Since most decent apps require a purchase, you want to do your research on Keep Reading
4 Things I Cared About Before Having Kids
1. Long Showers and Clean Hair Before having kids, I washed my hair every day. I know, I know, crazy right? But there was something about washing my hair that I just loved. I think Keep Reading
Enough Pink Please- Our Girls Deserve More Color Option...
When I found out that I was having twin girls, I remember immediately thinking, “oh wow, I can’t wait to decorate their room!” Then that emotion was followed by, “are my only options pink and Keep Reading
Why TIME is Not My Friend
It’s the New Year and TIME still proves to NOT be my friend, but I’m working on our relationship. No, seriously I am! I made it through the chaos and overall exhaustion of the holiday Keep Reading
Why We Shouldn’t Call Our Daughters “Prince...
PRINCESS: Definition. – the daughter of a monarch. – a close female relative of monarch, especially a son’s daughter. – the wife or widow of a prince. – the female ruler of a small state, Keep Reading

DIY Modern Holiday Garland
Super easy DIY holiday garland. It’s a modern take on the traditional holiday garland!