My 21 month old daughters are wildly curious. Curiosity in a child is a gift and a curse. We want our children to explore and learn new things, but we also want to make sure that they don’t harm themselves. When it comes to plugs, my girls LOVE to pull every cord out of the wall and put them in their mouths like lollipops. Not only do they pull plugs out of the wall, but they try to be very sneaky about it.
We have this huge rocker in their room and behind it is an outlet they love to play with. They are constantly going back there and pulling the cords out. Not only is putting their little fingers in sockets dangerous, but sucking on the ends of cords is not a good idea either. What’s frustrating as a parent is that when you plug in a cord, strong little ones can still pull these plugs out. PLUG PERFECT is the Perfect answer to these parenting concerns.
What I love about PLUG PERFECT is that when you have an item plugged in, it has a component that locks it in and your child cannot pull the plug out. Genius! This feature alone, had me sold. I’m so tired of plugging back items my girls have pulled out. PLUG PERFECT also has a component to cover the outlet if you don’t have anything plugged in as well. And what I like about this design over other competitors is that strong little fingers can’t pull it out unlike the traditional childproof plugs.
PLUG PERFECT is in the prototype stage and looking for funding to try and get their product to market ASAP. I was fortunate enough to be sent one of their prototypes to try out myself, and I instantly fell in love! I know I’m not the only parent out there looking for a brilliant product like this one. So let’s all try and help them get funded on KickStarter. Their campaign ends on June 2, 2016 , so we don’t have a whole lot of time. The great thing about investing in a KickStarter campaign is that you feel like you’ve been a part of creating something special. But with PLUG PERFECT, not only will you be helping create something special, you will be helping to create something SAFE. So click here and help keep all our little ones safe and spread the word to your friends. I know I am!