When I received my dōTERRA essential oils- peppermint, lemon, and lavender, all three smelled amazing! The incredible aroma filled my home with a sense of calm which is the antithesis of my toddler twins who usually dominate the atmosphere with chaos and commotion. For a moment, I thought I might be in a spa. I hoped if I closed my eyes, I could will myself there or at least remain in the dream state I was in for an extended period. But alas, like most moms, we rarely get to a spa let alone 5 minutes of alone time at home. With a pounding headache from lack of sleep the night before, I turned to the dōTERRA brochure to see what potential benefits these oils actually had. To my surprise, peppermint oil has been shown to help relieve headaches among other things like allergies, chronic fatigue, congestion, fever, poor concentration, diarrhea, joint pain, etc. I couldn’t will myself to a spa, but I certainly willed a solution to a problem I was having at that moment. I put a couple of dabs of peppermint oil behind my ear in the hopes that it would relieve my aching head because my patience level with my girls was running thin. Much to my surprise, I couldn’t believe how much better I felt almost instantly. Wow, if this could help my headache, what other things could these three oils do for my family?

One of my twins had recently had an ear infection. I reluctantly filled her antibiotic prescription. I really hate having to give my girls antibiotics unless they truly need them. She was so uncomfortable that I wanted her to feel better. I wish I had known beforehand that lavender oil may help the body’s natural process to heal itself. I knew lavender oil was calming, but it has so many more potential benefits. Some of these include diaper rash, burns, poison ivy, and eczema. These are all common issues with little ones. My girls’ eczema flares up when it’s hot. I used the lavender oil on one twin just the other day when a patch appeared from an unseasonably hot day. Within a day, the patch was nearly gone.
I haven’t had a chance yet to use my lemon oil, but I already know with the winter coming and coughs in my future, I will have many uses for this oil. Lemon oil may not only help aid the respiratory system, but it is also perfect for gum removal, stains on clothes, and permanent marker remover. I may need to stock up on this one since I see all these disasters happening sooner rather than later.
In fact, I would recommend all moms stock up on dōTERRA oils and peruse the dōTERRA website for so many other incredible essential oils for your home. And for those mommies savvy on Instagram, check out Tyrie and Lindy @healingexpedition who can answer any questions and guide you in the right direction for your perfect combination of dōTERRA essential oils.