I am so excited to do this product review on the BeauGen Breast Pump Nipple Cushions. The wife and husband team who created this genius product deserve huge accolades. I am a mom of twin girls, and I breast fed for 6 months, which was when my milk started to dry up. I think probably a lot of it had to do with my body not enjoying the constant in-between pumping that is required of moms with multiples. But even though I may have had to pump more, the universal complaining I heard from girlfriends was the pain endured through breast pumping. No matter how fancy the machine, it universally seemed miserable due to pain.
Not only did I rent the hospital grade breast pumping machine, but I also experimented with different sized cones in the hopes of alleviating nipple pain. Let me be perfectly honest, the day my husband said he was going to bring the machine back to the hospital, I secretly dreamed of taking it into the driveway and running it over- that’s how much I hated the thing! Having two babies breastfeed on me at the same time was like heaven compared to breast pumping.

Here’s where this genius product, BeauGen, comes into play. These nipple cushions are unbelievably soft. What they do is create a cushion between your nipple and the flange (aka cone) of your pump. I like to think of it as the “socks” you would wear with your shoes. Your shoes would be incredibly uncomfortable without socks, so why do we put our nipples in a flange without a soft cushion? Up until BeauGen was created, we had no choice.

There are 2 different ways in which you can use the product, and I love the visuals which accompany the language on how to use it. While I am not breastfeeding now, I can already see and feel how my breast pumping experience would have been so much better had I had this product. I did, however; reach out to a friend who is currently pumping and had her try them out and she was amazed at the difference these soft BeauGen nipple cushions have made in her overall experience breast pumping.
Honestly, I would recommend these to any new mom who is thinking of breastfeeding as well as to those moms who are already painfully breast-pumping. BeauGen Breast Pump Nipple Cushions are only $30, but for pain-free pumping, I would have paid 5 times that in exchange for the hours that I had to endure painfully breast pumping.