PRINCESS: Definition. – the daughter of a monarch. – a close female relative of monarch, especially a son’s daughter. – the wife or widow of a prince. – the female ruler of a small state, Keep Reading
DIY Easy Holiday Modern Felt Christmas Tree Skirt
DIY Easy Holiday Modern Felt Christmas Tree Skirt

DIY Modern Holiday Garland
Super easy DIY holiday garland. It’s a modern take on the traditional holiday garland!

DIY Felt Christmas Stockings
Check out my video on how to make a very easy DIY felt Christmas stocking. I made 4 different ones, and I show you how easy it is to customize your own. Happy Holidays!
Welcome to Shameless Mama: Keeping Motherhood Real!
Welcome to Shameless Mama: Keeping Motherhood Real! I’m so excited to finally be launching something that I have been working on for almost 2 years. I guess it’s better late than never. It’s been an Keep Reading
Why My Baby Monitor is Keeping Me From Sleeping
So you’ve made it past the first 3 months and let’s face it, it was hell. You love your little one like you never thought you could love another being. But that lack of sleep Keep Reading